Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Springing Ahead!

Boy, oh, boy is the year flying by! It seems like just yesterday we were falling back on the clocks. I was not so excited this time around, but so far it is proving to be advantageous in the Roedner household. The kid has been sleeping nearly 12 hours and don't we all know how much joy that translates into during the day. Yes, our days are filled with talk of Phillip and Ferdinand and Prince Charming... the boyfriends of those beloved Disney Princesses and "remember that time that Ariel called Flounder a guppy?" Yes, that was funny, RJ. Really, funny.

I spied some bluebonnets here and there and we even have some growing in the yard thanks to donr and RJ's efforts last fall. My hairdresser recently inspired me to add a little violet to my hair and it's been so fun to shake things up.

I just love this time of year when barren trees are bursting with new blooms and hundreds of variations of green. It reminds me of the hundreds of variations of love.
Thanks for stopping by my friends!

By the way, if you're looking for a slide show, go here: www.faux-toes.com/darkroom/share and type in the show you're looking for or email me for more details.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Your hair is AH-mazing and RJ couldn't be any cuter. I miss you guys bunches!!! Tell her K-Dogg says hi!